Skatepark Uganda Skatecontest Kitintale

In the third year of their collaboration, skate-aid and innogy can once again look back on a successful season and can even report a record: 800 kids took part in the workshops that we organized together during the past summer and autumn vacations. As a result, 21 municipalities from North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony were able to offer this special holiday program. There will be free holiday workshops again in 2019 and we are already looking forward working together again. Dates and information will follow shortly.


"Celebrate and support!" - The 13th edition of the C&A skate-aid-night supported by innogy remained true to its traditional motto and set hearts aflame for a good cause. Around 300 guests, including celebrities such as Wotan Wilke Möhring and Simon Gosejohann, enjoyed a great, interesting and very entertaining charity gala evening that left nothing to be desired. As in the previous year, the willingness to donate was extraordinary and the result from the previous year was even exceeded.


Once again, skate-aid and SOS Children’s Villages cooperate to build a skate park and start on October 17, 2018 a crowdfunding campaign on for that reason. The skate park will be built in spring 2019 near Damascus if the funding is successful. Help us to give back the Syrian kids a little bit of their high spirits and easiness!


Last week we visited our project partner in Kampala/Uganda. On our itinerary were, among other subjects, work reviews, discussion of further steps, the finalization of the expansion of the skate park and an installation of a solar light equipment. Project manager Jack and the Uganda Skateboard Union are doing an amazing job and together we look into a positive future.


The 8 year old hearing impaired rookie skateboarder Dalon from Windhoek, Namibia, at the moment, when he figured out, that he’s on the cover of the current skate-aid-Magazine. The expression in his eyes says it all!

If you want to support kids like Dalon just click at the Donation-Button above


Samstag, den 25.08. sind wir wieder von 11-18:00 Uhr im C&A Store in Köln in der Schildergasse am Start, um mit euch gemeinsam zu skaten. Ihr könnt euch vor Ort alles ausleihen und braucht nichts mitzubringen. Einfach in der 4ten Etage vorbeischauen, Helm, Pads und Board schnappen und Spaß haben : )


Morgen (18.08) sind wir von 11-18 Uhr im C&A Store in Köln in der Schildergasse beim "Kids Day". Wir freuen uns schon riesig, gemeinsam mit den Kids im Shop zu skaten. YEP...richtig gehö C&A! Mega Aktion & wir sehen uns morgen!


Unsere kostenlosen Sommerferien Skateboard-Workshops in Kooperation mit innogy werden super angenommen und sind ein voller Erfolg. Bisher waren wir u.a. in Melle, Bad Iburg, Nottuln, Lembruch und Nörvenich. Neben Skateboarding stand z.B. auch Materialkunde auf dem Plan...wie wechsele ich ein Kugellager, wie stelle ich die Lenkung ein, welches Set-Up ist für mich das Richtige etc. Weitere Stopps folgen bis zum Ende der Ferien und die Serie wird in den Herbstferien fortgesetzt. Good times!


VANS, our favorite shoe company, is supporting skate-aid big time with this reusable bag. For every bag sold 1 Euro goes to support skate-aid programs/projects around the globe. Check out your local VANS store all over Europe and grab one while it´s hot!


...was für ein mega Wochenende! DANKE an alle, die uns auf der Messe besucht haben - insbesondere an skate-aid Supporter Lina Van de Mars und Evil Jared Hasselhoff ! Props gehen raus an Ingo Kantoreck für den Support! Ein dickes THANX auch an Martin, Björn und Jochen von Wildcat für die kostenlose Standfläche direkt neben der Bühne und die hammer Orga. Besser ging´s nicht!