
The Summer Charity

Burning hearts usually meet every year in Münster at the skate-aid-night charity gala for the benefit of skate-aid. Due to the lockdown at the end of 2020, we were unable to hold the event at that time. But as in other situations, we, the skate-aid team and Titus, didn't let it get us down and got creative in the face of the pandemic restrictions! A new charity concept was therefore introduced that year. In addition to the annual skate-aid night, an event was added in the summer: The skate-aid-matinee, (today "DITTMANN MATINEE")

Since July 2021, the summer charity has been taking place in Titus' backyard in Münster. There is a lot of art, inspiring conversations, summer temperatures and a relaxed, atmospheric and familiar afternoon, all about the commitment of skate-aid. As a counterpart to the skate-aid-night, the DITTMANN MATINEE is a family event. In keeping with our motto, we take care of the kids while the parents can celebrate, relax and find out about skate-aid's projects. The proceeds from the DITTMANN MATINEE will be used to promote our work and the kids of our global skate park projects that create meaning and identity...true to our mission: